Alberta License Plate Lookup

The latest news from Alberta is that the proposed new issue (detailed below) has been put on indefinite hold. Until a new base is issued, the current base will be extended by expanding to an ABC-1234 configuration.

The free license plate lookup results may include the year, make and model of the vehicle, if results are found. Additional license plate, VIN and vehicle information is available in our member’s area if you decide to sign up. Some restrictions apply and not all license plate searches are guaranteed to have results. Phone: 403.282.3820 Fax: 403.282.1223 Email: #1841, 1632 - 14 Ave NW Calgary, Alberta T2N 1M7 Personalized Plate Home Motor Vehicle Vehicle Registration Personalized Licence Plate. There are many sources we use for our license plate search service. Much of it comes from various motor vehicle departments. Other information comes from insurance companies, and still more comes from service stations. We use a wide variety of sources in our license plate search system, including federal motor vehicle databases. License Plate Searchs or VIN Lookups Can Be Used To Find Out If The Vehicle's Previous Owner Was a Unsafe Driver, Order A Report Now! Don't Buy A potential Lemon or An Abused Vehicle. Order a Licnese Plate Search Today or Locate A Vehicle's History Report Using The VIN Number. A VIN Report Can Be Used To View All Of A Vehicle's Past Owners. Contact your local police department if the reason you want to run the license plate search is crime-related, such as if you were the victim of a hit-and-run or any other automobile-related accident. The police have the primary means to run such a search, and it is best to leave such a case in the hands of the authorities.

Alberta Number Plate Lookup

Search for vehicle history records with a valid US license plate number! We’ve made it easier than ever to get an AutoCheck ® vehicle history report. You can search with a vehicle identification number (VIN), or you can search with a valid license plate number and state. A license plate search is very similar to a standard VIN check. There are many services that can provide a free license plate search and the results will be similar to what you see with a VIN check. You may find while searching for your next used car, the owner has neglected to provide the VIN number.

News from Rod Gough: The Alberta Government has undertaken a consultation to redesign the plates. A decision on the design is expected in early 2008, and a reissue is expected to start early 09. It is estimated this base's numbering combinations will be exhausted by April 09. The last plate to be issued should be TGU-999 since TGY-001 was the starting point for plates with vowels.

Alan Bones reports Alberta will officially announce details of the new design in January 2009, and the issue is expected to begin in the middle of 2009. The new issue will be reflective. No mention has been made as to whether the new issue will remain embossed or go flat.

Now, after all of these announcements over many months of planned changes, Alberta is not changing the design, nor are they going reflective. The only real change will be going to 7 characters in the 3 letter/4 number format with a hyphen between the letters and numbers. Plates will continue to be embossed and will feature different dies that will be smaller. Numbering will begin at BBB-0000.

David Evans reports that it is interesting to note that in the original run of plates (prior to the introduction of vowels), the letter 'Y' was treated as a vowel, thus omitted until they decided to use vowels. Now it appears the letter 'Y' is being treated as a consonant.

As of the middle of 2012, some two year registrations are appearing with 2014 stickers.

July 2014 Update from Rod Gough: Albertans to choose province's new licence plate Alberta's new licence plate will incorporate a new design and new features to help make roads safer. Albertans are invited to participate in an online survey to choose which of three proposed designs will be featured on the new provincial licence plate. The survey, which is available online, will run from July 8 to August 19. The design that receives the most votes will be selected for the new plate. 'Alberta is the best place to live, work and raise a family; and, these three designs are all inspired by the pride Albertans have in their home. The natural beauty of our province is on display in all three designs. I know Albertans will enjoy having a say on what their new provincial licence plate will look like.' Dave Hancock, Premier The licence plate, which will be available in spring 2015, is being updated to bring it in line with other jurisdictions across North America. The new plate will include: Alberta's new logo; the Alberta Government website address; and a reflective coating that makes the plate easier to see under low light conditions and easier for infrared equipment to read. 'Our current licence plate is more than 30 years old and lacks features to help make our roads and communities safer. This new plate will make it easier for police to spot vehicles that are unregistered, uninsured, or stolen.' Doug Griffiths, Minister of Service Alberta Annual vehicle registration will cost five dollars more to help cover the costs of production and implementation. Even with the increase, Alberta's vehicle registration fees will still be about 11 per cent lower than the national average. Albertans can receive a new plate from their registry agent when they renew their registration during their regularly scheduled annual renewal, or they may purchase the new plate ahead of their regular renewal time for a fee.

September 2014 update: Now the word is that the plans for a new plate issue have been scrapped, so the base in use since 1983 will continue indefinitely.

Stickers Mixed in key 7 vip code generator.

11 - white on orange

12 - black on yellow

13 - white on green

14 - white on blue

15 - white on red

16 - black on orangish/yellow

17 - white on green

18 - white on blue

A Free License Plate Search Reveals A Treasure Trove Of Information About A Car

As enthusiasts, we are always looking for better and easier ways to research cars we are interested in buying. For example, classics or soon-to-be classics such as BMW 325’s or Porsche 914’s are quickly rising in value and can be tough to find examples that haven’t been modified, let alone in good condition. For classic car shoppers, the additional information a quick license plate search provides can prove invaluable about a car’s past history.

Is A Vehicle License Plate Search Similar to A VIN Check?

A license plate search is very similar to a standard VIN check. There are many services that can provide a free license plate search and the results will be similar to what you see with a VIN check.

You may find while searching for your next used car, the owner has neglected to provide the VIN number. It may be a simple mistake or, in a worst-case scenario, purposely left out to hide problems with the car such as accident damage or a salvaged title.

Alberta License Plate Number Lookup

What Can I Learn from A Vehicle Free License Plate Search?

  • Look for title branding. This is an official designation by a state agency telling you if a car has any damage and may be unsafe to drive. A branded title will tell you if a car has been salvaged, is totaled or junk from an accident or has been deemed a lemon by the manufacturer.
  • Record of a major accident. A car can sustain major damage in an accident and be repaired. To what level is hard to say. Was the repair work done correctly and to manufacturer specifications? Only experienced and well-equipped repair shops are capable of returning a damaged car to spec. Be wary of any accident damage and ask for all records of the work done.
  • License plate records show the car as stolen. The license plate history will tell you if the car has been stolen in the past. The more troubling detail is if it shows the car as currently stolen. That means the seller is not the owner of the car and probably should be reported to local police. Which leads to the next point.
  • Is the car road legal? This can vary by state but some of the basic requirements for road worthiness are headlights, taillights, side and rearview mirrors, seat belts, tires designated for street use and not for the track and finally, the car in generally good working order. It may sound silly but make sure a car you are considering buying has these basic features, most of which are linked to your safety. Which leads us to the next point.
  • Has the car passed a recent vehicle inspection? Today, inspections usually mean making sure a car is meeting emission requirements set by your local government. Some cities and countries will also go further by making some safety checks. But if a car can’t meet some of the basic requirements I listed above, more than likely it won’t pass an inspection.
  • A license plate search can reveal issues with a car’s registration. Who wants to bother with a car that can’t be registered? The details a search provides gives you all the reasons why a DMV won’t make a car road legal. Doing some simple research goes a long way to making you feel better about the car you want to buy.
  • And any other information that is publicly available.

Can I Do a License Plate Search?

As a potential car buyer, adding a license plate search to your car shopping weapons of choice is a good idea. You want to know as much as you can about a car you are considering buying and the license plate information can answer most of your questions.

Of course, there are other reasons you may want to do a license plate search. Are you safety conscience, worried about who is giving your child a ride to school or to the playground? A quick search can tell you if the other parent’s car is safe and reliable.

But these are just a few examples of why you should do a search. To put your mind at ease for something as simple as knowing more about the vehicle used in the car pool to help you with making an important purchase, a free license plate search provides crucial details to help you make decisions you and your family can rely on.